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The game of nations; the amorality of power politics.. Miles Copeland
ISBN: 0671205323,9780671205324 | 316 pages | 8 Mb

The game of nations; the amorality of power politics. Miles Copeland
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
[2] Miles Copeland, The Game of Nations: The Amorality of Power Politics (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970). Then we're going to have an exhibition game with the L.A. Contrary to what many cynics assume, the mere survivalist, the amoral climber, only rarely achieves top political leadership. The rise of the Society of Moslem Brothers, first started in 1928 and eventually catapulted into position of dominance in Egyptian politics, was one of the more critical political forces to affect the political stability of Egypt during Farouk's reign. Realpolitik, the German term for “power politics,” is an approach to international to advance a nation's political interests through amoral coercion—. Fascism, state terror and power abuse . [3] Bush's address to the nation, Sept. Miles Axe Copeland, Jr., "The Game of Nations: The Amorality of Power Politics, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970". The Amorality of Power Politics. The Armchair Strategist's Introduction to THE GAME OF NATIONS ..
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